2024-10-16 2:29 AM
I'm using STM32CubeProgrammer v2.17.0 with Linux (Linux Mint 21.3). There are a some bugs/improvements I discovered:
1. By default, USB DFU devices are not recognized by STM32CubeProgrammer in user mode due to a permissions issue. To resolve this, I manually added an udev rule to allow access to USB DFU devices without requiring root permissions. It's unclear why this isn't the default configuration, especially since udev rules for STLink devices are automatically set up during the installation process.
My udev rule (new file in /etc/udev/rules.d/)
# stm32 dfu mode, give access for STM32 cube programmer
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", \
MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"
2. It seems that the UI isn't displayed correctly for USB DFU mode. Connecting to the USB device work, but the connect button stays disabled and the status text displays "Not connected". After reading some memory, the button becomes enabled but still displays "Connect". See attached screenshots.
I'm using a NUCLEO-F767ZI board with System Memory Bootloader.
2024-10-17 12:55 PM
Hello @CodingEngineer and welcome to the ST Community,
I escalated this request to involved people to take a closer look at the problem (internal ticket 194294).
We'll make sure to post any updates here as soon as we have an update.
PS: Internal ticket 194294 is not accessible or usable by customers.
2024-10-22 8:26 AM
Hi @CodingEngineer,
For the first point, there is no issue there:
udev rules for ST-LINK are also not copied during STM32CubeProgrammer setup.
Maybe you thought they were automatically copied when installing CubeProgrammer because you previously setup another IDE/programming tool supporting ST-LINK.
On a fresh Linux setup, udev rules for ST-LINK will need to also be copied in etc/udev/rules.d.
This modification is required and documented in UM2237 page 13.
This is the way it is done in CubeProgrammer in order to enable to copy only the rules needed.
For example, if user ONLY uses ST-LINK-V3, he will only need to copy stlinkv3.rules to etc/udev/rules.d, and nothing else.
For the second point : it is under investigation. Our team is looking into it and I'll make sure to post any updates here as soon as I hear back from them.