2025-03-20 12:29 AM
I'm using B-L4S5I-IOT01A board, Unable to program the board using stm32cubeprogrammer. Got Error: failed to erase memory. Tried to mass erase the chip, got Error: Mass erase operation failed.Please verify flash protection
here is the stm32cubeprogrammer CLI log for STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD -ob displ command
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin>STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD -ob displ
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.18.0
ST-LINK SN : 0673FF3134354D5043061550
Board : STM32L4S5I-DK
Voltage : 3.20V
SWD freq : 4000 KHz
Connect mode: Normal
Reset mode : Software reset
Device ID : 0x470
Revision ID : Rev W
Device name : STM32L4Rxxx/STM32L4Sxxx
Flash size : 2 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M4
BL Version : 0x95
Debug in Low Power mode enabled
Bank : 0x00
Address : 0x40022020
Size : 20 Bytes
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
Bank : 0x01
Address : 0x40022044
Size : 16 Bytes
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
Read Out Protection:
RDP : 0xAA (Level 0, no protection)
BOR Level:
BOR_LEV : 0x1 (BOR Level 1, reset level threshold is around 2.0 V)
User Configuration:
nRST_STOP : 0x1 (No reset generated when entering Stop mode)
nRST_STDBY : 0x1 (No reset generated when entering Standby mode)
nRST_SHDW : 0x1 (No reset generated when entering the Shutdown mode)
IWDG_SW : 0x1 (Software independent watchdog)
IWDG_STOP : 0x1 (IWDG counter active in stop mode)
IWDG_STDBY : 0x1 (IWDG counter active in standby mode)
WWDG_SW : 0x1 (Software window watchdog)
BFB2 : 0x0 (Dual-bank boot disable)
DBANK : 0x0 (Single bank mode with 128 bits data read width)
nBOOT1 : 0x1 (Boot from system memory when BOOT0=1)
SRAM2_PE : 0x1 (SRAM2 parity check disable)
SRAM2_RST : 0x1 (SRAM2 is not erased when a system reset occurs)
nSWBOOT0 : 0x1 (BOOT0 taken from PH3/BOOT0 pin)
nBOOT0 : 0x1 (BOOT0 = 0, boot from system memory when nSWBOOT0=1 and main flash is empty,otherwise, boot from main flash memory)
PCROP Protection (Bank 1):
PCROP1_STRT : 0x0 (0x8000000)
PCROP1_END : 0x0 (0x8000000)
PCROP_RDP : 0x0 (PCROP zone is kept when RDP is decreased)
Write Protection (FLASH_WRP1AR):
WRP1A_STRT : 0xFF (0x81FE000)
WRP1A_END : 0xFF (0x81FE000)
Write Protection (FLASH_WRP2AR):
WRP2A_STRT : 0x0 (0x8100000)
WRP2A_END : 0x0 (0x8100000)
PCROP Protection (Bank 2):
PCROP2_STRT : 0x0 (0x8100000)
PCROP2_END : 0x0 (0x8100000)
Write Protection (FLASH_WRP1BR):
WRP1B_STRT : 0x0 (0x8000000)
WRP1B_END : 0x0 (0x8000000)
Write Protection (FLASH_WRP2BR):
WRP2B_STRT : 0x0 (0x8100000)
WRP2B_END : 0x0 (0x8100000)
Can someone guide me to disable the write protection in option bytes
Thank you in advance