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Flash hex file to stm32f412 with uart using stm32cubeprogrammer

Associate II

Tried flashing stm32f412 custom controller using uart but facing error while going to boot mode.

I need to flash my hex file to custom stm32f412 board but unable to connect using uart and facing issue while erase memory


Better to open a new thread and share your schematics.

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@Vaishnavi wrote:

Can I flash my hex file with stlink 

Yes, of course that should work...

New thread on that:



I'm using PA9-Tx and PA10-Rx for UART1 but couldn't able to flash

17:56:47 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...

Hello @mÆŽALLEm

I'm using PA9-Tx and PA10-Rx but facing issue while connecting 

11:12:47 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode
11:12:47 : RTS low
11:12:47 : DTR low
11:12:48 : Serial Port COM5 is successfully opened.
11:12:48 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
11:12:48 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again..

You've marked this as solved.

Are you now saying it is not solved?

BOOT0 pin? 

Lest' keep this thread closed as he's at first time using wrong UART pins.

Most probably the issue is on his HW. Keeping the discussion on this thread  by sharing the schematics.

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