2020-04-29 3:52 AM
Hello, i found next problem. If open app, and try connect to board with unsuccessful result, than app can't be closed any method, other than via task manager. In other case, app close via stantard button. This bug not disapering, if, for example, first try was failed, but few try later was successful. OS Windows 10 x64 (with last update at time of writing this topic). Tested chips: STM32L053 (custom board), STM32F031(NUCLEO-F031K6) .
2020-11-04 12:31 AM
Please be serious. This is 3 or 4 topic with this problem, I desribe problem very detailed. Confirmed in few station, with many programmers.
2020-11-04 12:37 AM
Can you please specify you java version.
2020-11-04 12:56 AM
This bug exist quite time, java regulary updated. And as i say BUG checked in many PC, Now i will ad also on very new PC with everythinh freshly installed.
Very interesting is behave of this configuration file.
2020-11-04 12:59 AM
For STM32CubeProgrammer tool, STMicroelectronics recommend to use the Zulu 8 JRE.
2020-11-04 1:20 AM
2020-11-04 1:28 AM
The next release will be available 20w47.