Hi @Byede.1 If you are using Proxy, you should go to windows==> Preferences ==> Network Connections then you have to fill in HTTP and HTTPS (Host and port).If you don't use a Proxy, with Direct and Native "Active Provider", you don't have to fill in...
Hi @GMula.1 LL_DMA_SetPeriphAddress is set in HAL function HAL_DMA_Start, this function is not called when configuring DMA in HAL==> Therefore, this function cannot be expected to be made in LL. For the function LL_USART_EnableDMAReq_TX(USART1); it ...
Hello @Kolab As a Workaround you can set configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION to 1 (in FreeRTOS UI) when using Keil toolchain. Best regards,Nesrine
Hello @Byede.1 Tested the same scenario without getting issue.I would like to know if you use a proxy or not because; if you don't use a proxy, with Direct and Native, you don't have to fill in the fields (you have to leave them all empty), on the o...