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CubeIDE problems

Associate II

Hi boys and girls from ST,

I am testing your CubeIDE and it it catastrophe.

1/ I tried to open a new project in CubeID and I ascertained that I can not add assembly file (s). How I can create project with only one file - in assembly. :)

2/ I tried to close my project in CubeIDE, but the project stayed opened. When I tried to run the already closed project the project was compiled and uploaded to my processor vis STLINK :) it is very cute. Is it a special way defence against an enemy ? :)

3/ Did you consider to connect to MS Visual Studio (VS) developper team and use and to develop VS together with MS people instead of your queer CubeIDE ?

4/ Are you planing to completely rework your CubeMX ? For example the "Clock" configuration picture is really terrible. There is no visual connection to individual registers RCC. It it queer chaos.
