2018-12-02 6:12 AM
With every new release cubmx is getting slower and slower. At this point it is not usable, after i change some setting i have to wait several seconds ~10sec for the gui to update, and in the time is updating everything is frozen and apparently doing 'nothing'. Older versions work fine, i noticed the newer version i use, the slower it is. Is it just me, or this is how it supposed to work. I have a modern pc, with top specs.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-12-02 4:02 PM
one word.. Java....
2018-12-07 1:55 AM
Hi @yakabmarci
STM32CubeMX is more and more complex to give you more and better functionalities.
A huge work is on going for the STM32CubeMX performance and the improvements will be delivered step by step in the coming releases.
2018-12-09 1:02 AM
Yes, it is definitely extremely slower than 4.x version.
I think I would downgrade back to 4.x version.
2019-02-02 2:15 PM
This slowiness should have been detected as major regression, and V5.0 should have wait to be debugged before been released.
Java is not the problem, the problem is bad choice in architecture and/or algorithm, like multi thread architecture using active polling instead of event processing.
In 10 seconds, a modern 4 cores CPU can achieve 100 billons of instructions, how it is possible to spend 100 billions of instructions at each mouse click ???
Fifty years ago men has been sent to the moon with less than 100 billons of instructions for all the Apollo program :)
Fifty years ago, a must read book was published : algorithm + data structure = program. Reading it now is not a waste of time !
STM32Cubemx is a very useful tool, please keep it usable
Thank you
2019-03-03 1:04 AM
version 5.1.x is quite faster than 5.0.x, but what make cubeMX really faster is upgrading your java JRE. switching from openjdk 8 to openjdk 11 make cubeMX at least two times faster, now adding a channel on an ADC take about 1 second. It's still to slow in regard of HMI recommendation (1/10 second), but a lot more usable than previous 5 seconds (openjdk 8 + cubeMX 5.0.x)
2019-03-03 1:15 AM
How about having selected community beta testers commenting a month before release to all ?
Too unortodox idea to yield positive returns?
2020-08-06 11:39 PM
I agree, having a GUI that is so slow makes it very tedious to use. If I am defining 80 pins and it takes about 20 seconds to set the pin function and 20 seconds to set the user label, that's about an hour of just waiting for the GUI. This is 2 years on from the OP and in STM32CubeIDE 1.4.1.
(I should point out that my computer is fast and has no trouble running all the other Java-base IDEs - it's just the CubeMX part).