2021-03-18 12:24 AM
Mikrocontroller: STM32L5
I tried both IDE versions but didn't find a way to import X-CUBE-EEPROM into the "Embedded Software Packages Manager". When trying to import zip file en.x-cube-eeprom.zip with "Embedded Software Packages Manager" via "From Local ...", I only get the error message that a "Problem during load of selected File" occurs (see attachment). And unlike other expansion software for Cube (e.g. X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD, X-CUBE-MEMS1, ...) X-CUBE-EEPROM is never mentioned in the latest STM32CubeMX release notes.
2021-03-18 2:25 AM
Hello @SOfne.1
Thanks for raising the question,
The EEPROM pack is named with X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 and it's available on CubeMX 6.2.0 Version.
If you still face a problem don't hesitate to post it, I'll be waiting for your feedback :)
Thanks, Khouloud
2021-03-18 4:18 AM
Hello @Khouloud ZEMMELI
Thanks for your fast response.
I had a quick look at X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 but it seems not to be the same as X-CUBE-EEPROM: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-eeprom.html
My goal is to emulate an EEPROM within the internal flash of a STM32L5 as described in AN4894.
Unfortunatelly, an external SPI EEPROM can't be used.
Best regards,
2021-03-22 12:03 AM
Hello @Khouloud ZEMMELI
first I'm sorry for using the wrong input form for my answer to your response.
Unfortunatelly X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 is not suited for my application, please find the detailed answer in my post below.
Can you also help me with X-CUBE-EEPROM?
Best regards,
2021-09-24 2:48 AM
Hi Guys!
I just Installed CubeMX 6.3.0 and X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 package but no EEPROM category is visible under Middleware Tree.
How do I add eeprom fuctionality to my project?
best regards
2021-12-31 9:41 AM
HI @SOfne.1 ,
Same problem here. I have no idea in how to install X-CUBE-EEPROM and use these drivers. Did you find a solution?
2022-01-02 10:11 PM
Hi @FCOST.1 ,
finally I copied the files I needed manually.
There seems to be no other solution until now.
Best regards,