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Urgent Assistance Needed with STM32CubeMX Example Selector Issue

Associate II
屏幕截图 2024-07-02 120540.jpg
Dear ST Officials,




I have run into some issues whilst using STM32CubeMX, which I hope you could assist me with. I'm able to find the required Example using the Example Selector, but I am unable to open it. Notably, it displays NA under STM32CubeMX Minimum Compatible Version, which I suspect is the reason I cannot access the project.


However, I am unclear about how to go about fixing this. I'm in urgent need to use this particular Example. I managed to open the Example on the IDE and even run it successfully, but I also need to open it in STM32CubeMX as I need to make certain amendments to the program. I intend to deploy a fully trained neural network using CubeAI in the program.


Your guidance on this matter will be greatly appreciated. The development board I'm using is H747I-DISCO and the Example I need is DCMI_CaptureMode.


I look forward to your prompt response.



Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @Carter 

First let me thank you for posting!  

Unfortunately, not all STM32 MCUs have examples with an IOC file in the Cube FW. STM32CubeMX does not provide examples for all MCUs.
However, you can install the example and use it with the supported toolchain/IDE.

Thank you,


View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @Carter 

First let me thank you for posting!  

Unfortunately, not all STM32 MCUs have examples with an IOC file in the Cube FW. STM32CubeMX does not provide examples for all MCUs.
However, you can install the example and use it with the supported toolchain/IDE.

Thank you,


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@Carter If you urgently need to create a CubeMX .ioc file, or to adapt older example projects, help can be found here.

Thank you very much for your reply. Following your advice, I chose to use an IDE project that can be directly applied to implement the camera function of H747I-DISCO.
However, this is not sufficient to meet all the functional requirements of my design project. Therefore, I attempted to create an additional IDE file using CUBEMX. Through the AI function in CUBEMX, I deployed the neural network model I trained onto the board. In this project, I was able to successfully analyze the model and export the code.
After opening this file in the IDE's workspace, I tried to merge the two IDE projects into one project file. But this led to a new problem: the Include files in the two IDE files could not be copied or transferred. Why is this happening? What method should I use to achieve the merger of the two projects, so that I can use the neural network model to process the images received by the camera module?



It's alright now, I found the answer in the user manual. Thank you for your reply.