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ToolChain Manager is throwing a Network error "Failed to fetch the toolchain list, please check your network settings." PC is connected, it loaded updates for four of the tools, resetting the IDE each time. Anyone had this issue?

Senior III

I also see this build error: make: *** [makefile:109: default.size.stdout] Error 1 your_project C/C++ Problem

ST Employee

Hello @Robmar​ 

First let me thank you for posting.

Could you please provide more details about the error message:

  • Some screenshots would be helpful
  • The build log
  • Are you using a proxy?

Kind regards,


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Check things like firewalls and AV which might interfere with normal operation.

Perhaps reinstall, or Run As Administrator.

Check with IT​

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Hi Semer,
Thanks for your reply.   The new project I made compiled perfectly and
ran in debug until I imported McHF, where on opening the ToolChain
Manager, it said to update 4 of the entries, which I did, the last one
failed, and now I get a network error, but my PC is connected to the
internet. Here is the screen shot:

Am attaching the file here as it didn´t seem to do it via email reply.

I am not using a proxy as far as I know, just a home WiFi router.

There are no errors in the build log that´s displayed as you can see in the screen shot.

Somehow the toolchain in the IDE has been corrupted for all projects, so I guess I need to rebuild it?

Thanks but my Internet connection works fine, the IDE even uploaded the updates for 4 tool chain items without problem. If I delete all the items will it rebuild the toolchain for the project?

Julien D
ST Employee

Looking at the screenshot you're falling in a known bug in the Toolchain Manager.

When all listed toolchains are already installed the fetch ends with an error. It can be safely ignored while waiting for a fix.

hey thanks, I hope it's that!

My other problem is installing DSP for CMSIS, its missing from the repository for some reason.

For that I add STM32CubeMX topic to put this thread on the radar of more knowledgeable peoples.

Hello @Robmar​ 

About the DSP library, you can check this article Configuring DSP libraries on STM32CubeIDE.

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