2020-09-18 12:32 AM
I am attempting to communicate with a LAN9252 via QSPI and had success in a polling mode.
I've attempted to do the same thing with MDMA setup in the CubeMX, all default settings, and was unable to achieve communciation. From the use of HAL_QSPI_Receive_DMA, the SPI peripheral got stuck in HAL_QSPI_STATE_BUSY_INDIRECT_TX.
Is there a tutorial of some sort I can refer to for properly setting up the MDMA controller?
Thanks a lot.
2020-10-19 03:18 AM
Hello @CMA
This examples (under this link) can help you:
C:\Users\nesrine jlassi\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.8.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\MDMA Best regards,