2022-08-19 11:40 PM
hello every one,
I have one STM32F407ZTE board with DP83848 as PHY.
I want to use STM32cubeMX as initialization code generator.
STM32F4 version is 1.27.1. I try with and without RTOS v2, but I can get ping.
2022-08-19 11:54 PM
2022-12-09 1:18 AM
Try to switch to MII mode (Since it's the default mode and maybe there's a HW rework to make to activate the RMII mode) and ensure that the default task stack size is sufficient (larger than 1024). Normally it should work.
2022-12-11 5:03 AM
You could debug ethernet_link_thread to find is it a hardware/configuration problem or not.
and take a short look at my post about ETH on f407 and dp83848 couple https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001sGiChSAK/cubemx-lwip-ethernetlinkthread-bug
or read assential list of topics about ETH here https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BOtfhnSQB/how-to-make-ethernet-and-lwip-working-on-stm32
2024-10-01 8:26 AM
This solves the problem, it is necessary. (default task stack size is sufficient (larger than 1024).)
Hello, Elynert