2020-03-19 9:35 AM
i try to implement an USB3300 ULPI PHY on STM32F429ZI Nucleo which an attached "daugtherboard", a WavesShare USB3300 USB HS Board, populated with an SMSC USB3300.
I want connect an USB stick to write down some data in High Speed mode. I am using the STM32F429 ZI USB HS ULPI interface.
I am using a System Workbench project created by CubeMX including RTOS, FATFs and some code to forward printf output over SWO. I have zipped the whole project and appended it on this thread for testing.
I have enabled logging in the host driver by setting
The log output is:
Starting ... (My own log)
USB Device Connected (Logs from USB Device stack starting..)
USB Device Reset Completed
PID: c24ch
VID: 46dh
Address (#1) assigned.
ERROR: Control error: Device not responding
USB Device Connected
USB Device Reset Completed
ERROR: Control error: Device not responding
[permanent retries each half second]
On power on therer is a communication, the PID and VID is being read out.
But then the following error occurs:
ERROR: Control error: Device not responding
Here is a screenshot of a breakpoint including caller stack and variable view
I tried several USB sticks as well as an older Logitech mouse without success.
The same driver stack works on the USB OTG FS connector on the board (after reconfiguring)
I tried to use an eight channel logics analyzer (Saleae Logics) which is way too slow to handle the 60 Mhz Clock output or the 2.0 data lines (480 Mhz).
But I see signals and the reset behaviour
A closer look into the communication with the signal names.
It shows maybe the communication of the vendor and devide ID.
Does anyone has an idea? Is there a bug in the newes CubeMX HAL for the F4?
2020-03-19 9:56 AM
I would be surprised if those 60MHz signals you can't capture with your LA would work properly over a bird's best of flying leads. Even if you'd use a proper return/ground for each signal - which I doubt you do.
2020-03-19 9:56 AM
I would be surprised if those 60MHz signals you can't capture with your LA would work properly over a bird's best of flying leads. Even if you'd use a proper return/ground for each signal - which I doubt you do.