2020-08-12 11:55 AM
I'm using stm32f746- discovery board. I created a project with CubeMX v5.6.1 and Enable Ethernet, LWip, FreeRTOS . In this project I set the board as client and my PC as server. I sent some bytes from microcontroller to PC(server) through the ethernet. My Project worked well and connected to server(my PC!) properly , but after I updated STM32CubeMX form V5.6.1 to V6.0.0 and regenerate that project with the new version of CubeMX(V6.0.0) it does not connect to server, I check the connection of the stm32 board by using ping command in CMD of Windows it shows reply from the microcontroller but the microcontroller does not send data.
is there anyone can help me for fixing this problem?
2020-08-12 3:14 PM
Don't fool yourself - it wasn't really working, let alone working well!
2020-08-13 11:37 PM
>:( :thumbs_up:
2020-08-13 11:41 PM
I found that after migrating from CubeMX v5.6.1 to CubeMX v6.0.0, some of the interrupts' priority reset to zero. After i changed the priorities the ethernet works properly.