2020-02-03 8:29 AM
Under linux (project generated by STM32CubeMX), the compiler reports illegal implicit casts from void * to PCD_HandleTypeDef in the HAL libraries.
The problems are in two files: usbd_conf.c and usbd_cdc.c
I solved this by following the example in other HAL sources, by adding explicit type casts for all reported problems like so (line 354 of usbd_conf.c):
hal_status = HAL_PCD_DeInit((PCD_HandleTypeDef*) pdev->pData);
The errors are present in the latest version of the HAL (I updated STM32CubeMX and the project today)
While correcting this I wondered about two things:
1. Why do only these specific files not include the type casts that are included in other HAL library files.
Done by a different programmer / added later to the HAL?
2. Why were these errors not caught by ST?
Perhaps this was not tested under linux or not tested from a freshly generated project?
Or perhaps I am doing something wrong here?
Thanks for your reply and best regards,
Example error message:
arm-none-eabi-g++ -c -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F103xB -IInc -IDrivers/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -IDrivers/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -IMiddlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Inc -IMiddlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/CDC/Inc -IDrivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F1xx/Include -IDrivers/CMSIS/Include -O3 -Wall -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -g -gdwarf-2 -MMD -MP -MF"build/usbd_conf.d" -x c++ -Wa,-a,-ad,-alms=build/usbd_conf.lst Src/usbd_conf.c -o build/usbd_conf.o
Src/usbd_conf.c: In function 'USBD_StatusTypeDef USBD_LL_DeInit(USBD_HandleTypeDef*)':
Src/usbd_conf.c:354:37: error: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'PCD_HandleTypeDef*' [-fpermissive]
hal_status = HAL_PCD_DeInit(pdev->pData);
2020-02-03 4:19 PM
This message is because you compile C code with C++ compiler.
Conversion from void * to any pointer is valid C.
But g++ errors it, even despite of -fpermissive
So, either use the proper compilation mode (C, not C++) or find a way to downgrade this error to warning.
Maybe , update the g++ compiler if available.
Again, this is perfectly valid C, please don't force C++ rules onto legacy C code,
-- pa
2020-02-04 12:10 AM
Thanks Pavel! Sorry for not providing the gcc/g++ info in my post, let me explain that.
I want to port a C++ USB library to create a MIDI audio device, hence the need for C++.
What is the recommended way of doing a C++ project based on HAL? I wonder how other people do this.
I did not see an option for it in the STM32CubeMX project generator. So this is how I proceeded:
To be able to use C++, I first started by keeping track of which files are pure C, which are C++, rename main.c with main.c++, compile that with g++, link everything with g++, use extern"C" statements in my C++ code etc.. This becomes complicated and I could not get this to work quickly. See (*)
Therefore I then simply switched the compiler to g++. Everything I needed from HAL has apparently been prepared for this, except the two files I mentioned still contain those c-only implicit type casts.
Using this approach I need to change out two files from the usb subsystem and it works, so that still seems the easiest way for me if I regenerate the project from STM32CubeMX in the future.
I still feel it would be handy if ST added the type casts giving me the option of creating a C++ project by switching compiler, keeping intact the make and file structure as generated by STM32CubeMX. But perhaps there is a better way?
Thanks again,
(*) https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/mixing-c-and-cpp#overview-mixing-langs
2020-02-04 12:59 AM
You can tell gcc compiler to compile X file with c compiler instead of C++.
2020-02-05 2:22 AM