2020-02-05 3:16 AM
I use stm32F407ZG, when I update mxcube to 5.3 version and stm32f4 package to 1.24.2 fatfs version updated to R0.12c while previous fatfs version was R0.11 and work perfectly. after code generate and compile I realized f_mount function returns FR_NO_FILESYSTEM.(f_mount(&SDFatFs,"1:/", 1))
I attach cube setting.
please help me.
if (INSERT_SD ==0)
res=disk_initialize (0);
if (res==0)
res=f_mount(&SDFatFs,"1:/", 1);
if (res!=FR_OK && res!=FR_EXIST)
// printf("<ERR*SD NOT Ready:%d*>\r\n",res);
sprintf(str,"<ERR*SD NOT Ready:%d*>\r\n",res);
if (start_debug==1) print(DEBUG_PORT,str);
else if (start_debug==2) print(LAN_PORT,str);
return 0;
res = f_findfirst(&SD_dir,&fno,"1:/LOG","*.LOG"); /* Start to search for log files */
2020-02-05 3:46 AM
Still a very old version of FatFs.
Check all the configuration options in the include file. If EXFAT volume enable that.
Check that the DISKIO routines don't error.
Check the content of the returned MBR, and inspect the partition table. Check that is correct and the volume type it describes.
Check the content of the returned BPB.