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STM32CubeMX 6.3.0 released

ST Employee

What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.3.0

• Added the support for new part numbers in the STM32U5 Series:

STM32U575A(G-I)Ix, STM32U575A(G-I)IxQ, STM32U575C(G-I)Tx,

STM32U575C(G-I)TxQ, STM32U575C(G-I)Ux, STM32U575C(G-I)UxQ,

STM32U575O(G-I)YxQ, STM32U575Q(G-I)Ix, STM32U575Q(G-I)IxQ,

STM32U575R(G-I)Tx, STM32U575R(G-I)TxQ, STM32U575V(G-I)Tx,

STM32U575V(G-I)TxQ, STM32U575Z(G-I)Tx, STM32U575Z(G-I)TxQ,

STM32U585AIIx, STM32U585AIIxQ, STM32U585CITx, STM32U585CITxQ,

STM32U585CIUx, STM32U585CIUxQ, STM32U585OIYxQ, STM32U585QIIx,

STM32U585QEIxQ, STM32U585RITx, STM32U585RITxQ, STM32U585VITx,

STM32U585VITxQ, STM32U585ZITx and STM32U585ZETxQ

• Added the support for 3 new boards related to the STM32U5 Series: B-U585I-IOT02A,


• Added the support for 2 new boards related to the STM32MP1 Series:

STM32MP157D-DK1 and STM32MP157D-EV1

• Added the support for 1 new board related to the STM32L4 Series:


• Added the support for SMBUS Fast mode plus and SMBUS fast mode for the STM32G0 Series, the STM32WL Series and the STM32WB Series

• Added the support for RAMECC in the STM32H7 Series

• Added the support for PWR secure configuration for the STM32L5 Series in Arm® TrustZone®-activated projects (TZEN=1)

• Added updates for the installation procedure with the JRE™ bundling support. The bundled JRE™ is updated to AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.10+9 and JavaFX-11.0.2

• Added the support for STM32CubeMX updates with the https protocol

• Added license click-through: the user can accept the firmware package license terms

before any download

• Added thread-safe locking support. It can be enabled or disabled in [Project

manager]>[Project] Thread-safe Settings

• Added the support of the cohabitation between Azure® RTOS USBX or USB and USBPD

for the STM32U5 Series and STM32G0 Series, making it possible to enable and disable the USB support from USB-PD middleware

Known limitations

Please refer the the release note

Main fixed issues

  • 87553 Code generation for STM32H745xx using STM32CubeMX 5.6.1 inside of STM32CubeIDE 1.3.1.
  • 88481 [STM32CubeMX][STM32MP15] PA10 assigned to USB_OTG_HS_ID when configuring USB OTG with device-only controller.
  • 98727 [STM32CubeMX-ADC] ADC clock prescaler /1 and /2 are not available.
  • 101247 Request to optimize Sigfox_sgfx_app_c.ftl and Sigfox_mcu_api_c.ftl for less LED use cases.
  • 101368 [STM32CubeMX-UART][STM32F4] "Open Drain" cannot be selected for UART Alternate Function pin.
  • 101426 [STM32CubeMX-RCC] LL_RCC_SetFDCANClockSource is missing in the generated STM32CubeMX code.
  • 102389 [STM32CubeMX-USB] APP_RX_DATA_SIZE and APP_TX_DATA_SIZE defines remain unchanged.
  • 103320 [STM32CubeMX-STM32F4][I2C-SMBUS] Missed clock speed parameter.
  • 103602 [STM32CubeMX-Pinout] Support for USART2 on STM32G031xx SO8 package.
  • 106965 [STM32CubeMX-STM32G474][HRTIM] "The timer counter is reset upon Timer E Compare 1 event" cannot be selected with Timer F.




File "Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.2\Drivers\CMSIS\Core\Include\core_cm4.h"

Line 411 "uint32_t RSERVED1[24U];"

There must be RESERVED1, not RSERVED1.


Hello @Alexander CZAJOR​ @Nawres GHARBI​ 

I cannot get Aure to compile on the 735DK kitI have asked repeatably and no-one at ST is capable of compiling code.

Please check my posts and use a fresh machine and find the bug in your install.

MQTT Azure sample does not work on the fresh install of windows.

I have spent many thousands of hours helping your clients for free, now you need to help me once...

Can anyone at st compile code ?
