2019-03-22 6:31 AM
Doing R&D product development. I can't get the HRTIM interrupt to trigger when setting the Interrupt request source in STM32CubeMX. There is no difference in code generation and the interrupt parameter is not modified. Both releases use the same F3 firmware package. Looks like the code generation for this function is missing. Please look into it.
2019-03-22 4:42 PM
I’ve attached a screen capture of the STCubeMX HRTIME configuration , and one showing the HETIME PWM capture on the oscilloscope. The code generation created a global interrupt for HRTIME. I inserted a toggle call �? HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB,5);�? as the first statement in the interrupt to see if the interrupt gets triggered. It does not get triggered, and I have verified the pin toggle works when inserted in the while(1) loop.
2019-03-22 4:55 PM
I also verified that the code generated has no value in the interruptRequest parameter/register:
pTimerCfg.InterruptRequests = HRTIM_MASTER_IT_NONE;
pTimerCfg.DMASrcAddress = 0x0000;
pTimerCfg.DMADstAddress = 0x0000;
pTimerCfg.DMASize = 0x1;
pTimerCfg.PreloadEnable = HRTIM_PRELOAD_DISABLED;
if (HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig(&hhrtim1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E, &pTimerCfg) != HAL_OK)
2019-03-26 9:19 AM
Just to let anyone working on the HRTIM, I got the interrupt working by patching it with the inline assembler to change the "pTimerCfg.InterruptRequests = proper interrupt;" until it gets fixed in the next release of SW4STM32.