2022-01-31 11:07 AM
I have intermittent problems in STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0 opening a .ioc file. When I double click on the file in the Project Explorer, I get a progress bar titled "Loading IOC". When things are working well, as soon as that bar fills up, it is replaced with a progress bar titled "Completing IOC Load"; and when that fills up, the configuration screen is dsplayed.
Sometimes the IDE gets into a state where the first progress bar will fill up, but the second one never appears. Instead, the window hangs--I get a spinning cursor, and the Windows message "not responding". This lasts forever. If I force quit the IDE and retry, many times, eventually it starts working again.
How can I keep this from happening, and if it does happen, how can I reliably and quickly recover?
2024-02-25 8:43 PM
I've lost a lot of projects because this issue :(
Does anyone in ST even cares about the issue? Has ST tried to fix it? This bug exists release after release.
2024-04-19 3:44 PM
Thanks, that was very helpful, but I had to clear out just about all the meta data to get the ioc file to load correctly again. I am using Linux Kubuntu 22.04.1 and STM32CubeIDE 1.15.0. I was getting the same problem.
After closing or killing all stm32 processes, I ended up renaming all the hidden .stm-xx folders in my home folder to .stm-xxOrig. For example: mv .stm32cubemx .stm32cubemxOrig.
Then I removed the workbench.xmi file in the appropriate workspace, like this:
rm /home/myname/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.15.0/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi
Then start up STM32CubeIDE and the ioc file loads fine.
I just put all this in a readme file in my STM32CubeIDE folder to remind me how to do it again later, as I'm sure I'll forget by the next time it happens.
2024-12-22 11:09 PM
Unfortuinately my copmany wants to save some bucks buying the Sh***tty MCU's from ST. Never had issuies with TEXAS INSTRUMENTS DSP's on SIMULINK AT ALL!
I have SIMULINK (20224a) and ST32CubeMX and software from ST is totally *** and with the JAVA BS takes 5 minutes for a simple blinky prog. I'm sure at ST they love to monitor where and who acces their servers (monetizing on it?).
Lucky you ST that your MCU's are loved in third world...otherwhise you'll be out of business in no time~