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Configuring USART3 error while deploying deep learning model in NUCLEO-H753ZI

Associate II

I installed stm32CubeIDE version 1.18.0
Started a new stm32 project, selected my board, clicked ok for everything (like it showed a window which contained 5 checked options of led,virtual port etc etc.), i selected all and clicked ok.
Then activated XCubeAI package, checked core and selected validation under application, then clicked on OK.
Then i tried to open that network window... but before that a small window opened which showed configuring usart3 and it got stuck at 70% for very long time... i tried closing the app and disconnecting, restarting pc... but the same thing is happening... i shared a screenshot of where it got stuck...
PLease help me with this...




Senior II

Did it run ok before enabling AI package?

I didnot run anything before that... i directly started a new stm32 project and enabled ai package and tried to add .onnx file.. but it showed that and got stuck there

I didnot run anything before that... i directly started a new stm32 project and enabled ai package and tried to add .onnx file.. but it showed that and got stuck there

Should i change anything there????