2019-10-05 8:45 AM
There is a bug in newest STMCubeMx.
When you have a project with STM32F407VGT and using FreeRTOS V10.0.1 and CubeMX V3.5.0 with Keil V5. The USB Storage and FAT-Filesystem is configured then the Cube produces a syscall.c with function calls to osSemaphoreWait and osSemaphoreCreate. both functions are obsolet and no more existent. They are changed to osSemaphoreAcuire and osSemaphoreNew.
The same problem is with their prototypes in cmsis_os.h which have prototypes for both functions. I get an error at link time that the funtions are unresolved.
Best regards,
2019-10-07 1:27 AM
Hello @Osto ,
This's reported internally for further check.
Best Regards,
2019-10-07 3:42 AM
FATFS requires CMSIS_V1 interface in mode selection tab of FREERTOS.
With CMSIS_V2 there are other semaphore function names.