‎2020-04-13 6:36 AM
error: cube firmware cannot be installed into repository.
a file or directory with name same already exist.
The cause of this error = old time add firmware and not remove with stm32cubeIDE or stm32cubeMX.(manually removed or uninstalled stm32cubeIDE / Stm32CubeMX before remove firmware with stm32cubeIDE or stm32cubeMX).
1) not need any program mode: administrator.
2) not need any program close and open or pc restart.
1) if use stm32CubeMX:
2) if use stm32CubeIDE:
if up way not work then for error in install new patch use of this way:
1- download both firmware & patch
2- change name both firmware & patch to new name:
Note: for get new name: 1) connect to network, 2) in "Embedded Software packages manager" select version and click "install now", 3) after show error in error text find new name.
example: for firmware f4 version 1.25.0 and patch f4 version 1.25.2:
after donwload:
firmware name is: en.stm32cubef4_v1-25-0
patch name is: en.patch_cubef4
in error text name is:
for firmware is: stm32cube_fw_f4_v1250
for patch is: stm32cube_fw_f4_v1252
3- after change name copy of firmware & patch and paste to "stm32cubeIDE or cubeMX Repository folder".
4- Now run "Embedded Software packages Manager" and select version and click "install now".
Note: for find folder "Repository" address:
1) in STM32CubeIDE: Window->Pereferences->STM32Cube->Firmware Updater->Respository Setup
2) in STM32CubeMX: Help->Updater Settings->Firmware Respository
pic help:
#STM32CubeIDE​ #STM32CubeMX​ #firmware #[Embedded Software packages Manager] #patch
‎2020-11-07 4:40 AM
Thanks @kshin.11​
the following step is unclear "now change mian zip file address on pc to new desired address on pc.(i only change folder name)(folder = folder contains main zip file)".
Could you re-write please?
‎2020-11-16 8:18 PM
‎2020-11-18 6:57 AM
if old time in "Embedded software packages manager" use of "From Local..." for install this zip file now need change zip file address. (move zip file or change folder name)
‎2020-12-17 9:36 PM
After two days of increasing anger (:pouting_face:) due to continuously failing install a new subversion pack (STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.3) this is what I found: the previous folder (STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.0 ) was rewritten but, unfortunately, without changing the folder's name. This is the reason everything worked OK in the installation's beginning (downloading pack, un-zipping and installing) but failed in the end as the software was looking for the un-existing folder STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.3 . To overcome this issue (until STM solve the problem :sleeping_face: ) I had open "C:\Users\my_user_name\STM32Cube\Repository" , and manually modified the folder's name to STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.3 to match the last installed pack name. And ... magic happened!
‎2020-12-18 12:19 AM
Good if issue solved but not convinced about your solution to be honest. I guess updating folder name has solved a file access issue you may have previously for unknown reason.
According my knowledge process is folder name agnostic. Important data is package.xml file on FW pack root. If current most up to date F1 pack:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Package DBVersion="2.0">
<PackDescription Release="FW.F1.1.8.0" Patch="FW.F1.1.8.3">
<Note Release="ReleaseNotes.html" Patch="ReleaseNotes_Patch.html"/>
‎2021-06-15 10:05 AM
ST has updated it via zip files that only show up when you fail a new project.
OKAY. So for those who are having this specific issue:
The solution is:
1: Open the widget STMCubeIDE
2: Go to "Window" in top menu and click "preference".
3: Click "STM32Cube"
4: Click "Firmware Updater"
5: Look at where your repository is stored: it looks like this " C:/Users/"username"/STM32Cube/Repository/ "
6: close that page
7: Open your "File Explorer" or the place where you store files
8: You can copy that link from the repository into your local disk or just open the files one by one
9: click users > "your username" > STM32Cube > Repository > >>>
10: you should have two zip files. Open both. if there are copies just say no to replacements
11: done.
12: Open the widget
13: create a new project either by erasing your old one and replacing it with the same name... your choice.
14: run the new project as usual and you should have your drives and cores with no error message.
‎2021-06-18 11:02 AM
I had this frustrating issue on Windows 10 Pro. I solved it by creating a new folder for the repository and changed the repository settings to that new folder.
Installation should be successful and you should be able to generate code.
‎2021-09-13 8:04 AM
can't unzip the files, i click it, and it freezes