2021-03-17 3:36 PM
If I want to create C++ project from Cube configurator then after my intentions it says that it is done (picture 1). After that it says that not all the necessary firmware pacakges is downloaded (picture 2). In the end it gives me empty project with .ioc file and do nothing (picture 3). But if I try to generate code after configuring everything - it's ok. There will be code.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-03-19 2:06 AM
Problem was solved by reinstalling CubeIDE :alien:
2021-03-18 3:17 AM
Today I have tried it again. After warning from picture 2 there was a windows from picture 1 (Open folder / Close) 3 times. Then everything was closed and have becoming looking like I didn't invoke any command.
2021-03-18 6:20 AM
Quick notes from our internal wiki:
When starting new C++ project ensure set Targeted Language = C++ in MX's Project's Properties
useful: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32StepByStep:STM32_step_by_step_overview
2021-03-18 6:21 AM
I suggest you try STM32CubeMX to create project, it will download the MCU's firmware Pkg.
Also ensure you have latest and matching set of MX, IDE, PRG, Touch...
2021-03-18 7:46 AM
There is no any project before my actions. Nothing could be clicked and converted to C++. I want to create a new one with Targeted Language = C++ using internal STM32CubeIDE Cube-configurator. If I can't do that I wandering is it a bug and not tested feature or what? I just want this buggy software to work fine and not waisting time of developers.
2021-03-18 7:48 AM
This is just a workaround. I have already used CubeMX and Eclipse to do my work. Can anybody try do the same as me and watch this problem?
2021-03-19 12:01 AM
Update: I can not create any project, and every time I get message from picture2. Then I see Cube configurator and it seems like I can setup my project. But after setting up and generating code I am trying to setup C/C++ building settings and Preprocessor Include Paths it tells me that "This project is not a CDT project". I can not build it
2021-03-19 2:06 AM
Problem was solved by reinstalling CubeIDE :alien: