2015-07-08 2:31 AM
I would like to add a menu system and other things to the application. I can't figure out where is the library and where to start using CubeMX? Help would be appreciated!
#cubemx #!stm32f4-disco2015-07-08 6:02 AM
There is no STemWin middleware in CubeMx, there are only FreeRtos and FatFs. But it exists under the firmware package, for example under \STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.6.0\Middlewares\ST\STemWin. You can also use the example under STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Applications\STemWin. Regards2015-07-09 4:50 AM
I have found the files and the examples. I am also looking at application note AN4323 however it is not clear to me what to make of theLCDConf_stm32xxx_eval.c &
GUIConf_stm32xxx_eval.c files. I can see a version of the LCDConf file in the example project but inside the actual library there are other files which seems to be meant for configuration - GUIConf.c, GUIDRV_Template.c, LCDConf_Lin_Template.c. I think the ''flex'' file is not needed as the access is using Chrom-ART?
2015-07-09 7:40 AM
According to theAN4323,
GUIConf_stm32xxx_eval.c and
LCDConf_stm32xxx_eval.c are added when a new LCD controller needs to be supported. So, the user has to implement inside them functions as explained in sections 3.1.1 ans 3.1.2. In the example these files are not needed, so you can not find them.