2021-03-07 5:08 AM
I was able to start a project in CubeMX from a NUCLEO board selection, GENERATE CODE and build and debug it in CubeIDE or TrueSTUDIO (depending on which app a .CPROJECT file is associated with in Windows).
Now I'm trying to import 'STM32CubeExpansion_NFC5_V2.0.0' somehow. Importing at the root dir with 'Open Projects from File System' opens several apps:
I don't pretend to understand their individual functions/uses and none of them can I get to build without errors. Usually it's issues with make reporting having no rule for this or that. Errors like these:
make clean
make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop.
"make clean" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
make all
Error: Cannot find the specified linker script. Check the linker settings in the build configuration.
make: *** [makefile:112: fail-specified-linker-script-missing] Error 2
make all
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Middlewares/ST/rfal/Src/rfal_analogConfig.c', needed by 'Middlewares/RFAL/rfal_analogConfig.o'. Stop.
"make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
I don't understand why it came up with 'C:/' instead of Middlewares' actual directory.
Is there a tutorial for importing such an expansion zip? Thx
2021-03-17 9:41 AM
Hello @Ted Jackson
I think that the best way is to manually copy the files coming from NFC5 that you need for your project to the STM32CubeMX generated files folders and then add them to the STM32CubeIDE project.
Some packages (like NFC4) that are integrated inside STM32CubeMX allows to add files more automatically, but unfortunately for NFC5 this feature is not yet available.
The packs that have a .pdsc file in the top folder -- and optionally a STM32CubeMX/ folder to autogenerate some files -- could be successfully imported and used through STM32CubeMX. You may refer to this video to see how the pack creation and importing process work for STM32CubeMX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYNKwLaXE18
Best regards,
2021-04-04 1:04 PM
"Some packages (like NFC4) that are integrated inside STM32CubeMX allows to add files more automatically, but unfortunately for NFC5 this feature is not yet available"
- I haven't been able to find an incarnation of NFC4 in STM32CubeMX. ??
2021-04-06 12:21 AM
Hello @Ted Jackson
there is a specific menu "Software packs" on STM32CubeMX
where you can first install packs with the "Manage Software Packs" option (2) and then Select the software Components (1).
When you open the "manage Software Packs" you can find NFC4, under STMicroelectronics TAB
Under Help->Tutorial Videos you will find more information how to use it
Best regards,