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How to create a libusb compatible generic usb device from STM32CubeMX

Associate II

My environment is NUCLEO-F446RE and TrueSTUDIO / STM32CubeMX.

​On Microchip PIC32MX's framework(MPLAB Harmony), it can make a custom usb device as "Vender".

On the other hand, STM32CubeMX has only options for custom HID and virtual COM devices so I can't define the original device.

 This is an example of a simple WinUSB device demo descriptor output by the microchip framework.

 * USB Device Layer Descriptors
 *  USB Device Descriptor 
const USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR deviceDescriptor =
    0x12,                           // Size of this descriptor in bytes
    USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE,          // DEVICE descriptor type
    0x0200,                         // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format
    0x00,                           // Class Code
    0x00,                           // Subclass code
    0x00,                           // Protocol code
    USB_DEVICE_EP0_BUFFER_SIZE,     // Max packet size for EP0, see system_config.h
    0x04D8,                         // Vendor ID
    0x0053,                         // Product ID
    0x0100,                         // Device release number in BCD format
    0x01,                           // Manufacturer string index
    0x02,                           // Product string index
    0x00,                           // Device serial number string index
    0x01                            // Number of possible configurations
 *  USB Full Speed Configuration Descriptor
const uint8_t fullSpeedConfigurationDescriptor[]=
    /* Configuration Descriptor */
    0x09,                                               // Size of this descriptor in bytes
    USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION,                       // Descriptor Type
    32,0,                //(32 Bytes)Size of the Config descriptor.e
    1,                                               // Number of interfaces in this cfg
    0x01,                                               // Index value of this configuration
    0x00,                                               // Configuration string index
    50,                                                 // Max power consumption (2X mA)
    /* Descriptor for Function 1 - Vendor     */ 
    /* Interface Descriptor */
    0x09,                       // Size of this descriptor in bytes
    0,                          // Interface Number
    0,                          // Alternate Setting Number
    2,                          // Number of endpoints in this intf
    0xFF,                       // Class code
    0xFF,                       // Subclass code
    0xFF,                       // Protocol code
    0,                          // Interface string index
    /* Endpoint (OUT) Descriptor */
    0x07,                       // Size of this descriptor in bytes
    USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT,    // Endpoint Descriptor 
    1 | USB_EP_DIRECTION_OUT,   // EndpointAddress ( EP1 OUT )
    USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK,     // Attributes
    0x40,0x00,                  // Max packet size of this EP
    1,                          // Interval
    /* Endpoint (IN) Descriptor */
    0x07,                       // Size of this descriptor in bytes
    USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT,    // Endpoint Descriptor
    1 | USB_EP_DIRECTION_IN,    // EndpointAddress ( EP1 IN )
    USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK,     // Attributes
    0x40,0x00,                  // Max packet size of this EP
    1,                          // Interval

Is there a way to define my own descriptor with STM32CubeMX? Or does STM32 have a library for creating libusb compatible devices? ​