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My environment is Nucleo-F446RE(STM32F446) with TrueSTUDIO / CubeMX on Windows 10.I tried to get a 6MHz frequency signal by Input Capture module. However, modules often skip timer values./* Private user code ------------------------------------------...
My environment is Nucleo-F446RE with STM32CubeMX 5.1 / TrueSTUDIO 9.3.​I created an I2S master transmit test program. [Full project archive is here]Transmission Mode / Mode Master TransmitCommunication Standard / LSB First(Right Justified)Data and Fr...
My environment is NUCLEO-F446RE and TrueSTUDIO / STM32CubeMX.​On Microchip PIC32MX's framework(MPLAB Harmony), it can make a custom usb device as "Vender".On the other hand, STM32CubeMX has only options for custom HID and virtual COM devices so I can...