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Getting STMTouch driver to work with HAL and CubeMX on STM32F051 (with TSC)



i am trying to get the 32F0-TOUCH-LIB to work, but so far i didn't succeed.

Processor is an STM32F051C4Tx on a custom board, which works except for the touch functions. There is a touch button for Proximity sensing and two sliders for input.

The project was created with STM32CubeMx (Version 5.2.1):

TSC peripherial:0690X000008i7jiQAA.png

Middleware: Touchsensing

  • Is Enabled

The code is generated for Atollicstudio and compiles.

And the following changes are made:

  • tsl_user_Init() called after MX_TSC_Init() and  MX_TOUCHSENSING_Init()
  • In the infinite loop tsl_user_Exec() is called

The tsl_user_Exec() always returns TSL_USER_STATUS_BUSY and no activity can be observed at the IO-Port with an oscilloscope.

I compared the functions calls with the STMTouch Driver user manual and everything matches. I even checked the TSL_tim_ProcessIT() call in the Systick ISR. The TSC IRQ doesn't seem to be used in the libraries, because the IRQ-flag gets polled in the tsl_user_Exec().

I believe i missed a small detail, but i can't figure it out myself. I hope that somebody, more experienced with this library can give me a hint...

Thanks in advance



I am still struggelling...

If I use the TSC Controller the manual way with the HAL, i atleast see pulses an the touch surfaces. But still no success with the Touch Sensing Library.

 while (1)
	    HAL_TSC_IODischarge(&htsc, ENABLE);
	    HAL_Delay(1); /* 1 ms is more than enough to discharge all capacitors */
	    /*##-3- Start the acquisition process ####################################*/
	    if (HAL_TSC_Start(&htsc) != HAL_OK)
	      /* Acquisition Error */
	    /*##-4- Wait for the end of acquisition ##################################*/
	    /*  Before starting a new acquisition, you need to check the current state of
	         the peripheral; if it�s busy you need to wait for the end of current
	         acquisition before starting a new one. */
	    while (HAL_TSC_GetState(&htsc) == HAL_TSC_STATE_BUSY)
	      /* For simplicity reasons, this example is just waiting till the end of the
	         acquisition, but application may perform other tasks while acquisition
	         operation is ongoing. */
	   // tsl_user_Exec();
	    /*##-5- Clear flags ######################################################*/
	    /*##-6- Check if the acquisition is correct (no max count) ###############*/
	    if (HAL_TSC_GroupGetStatus(&htsc, TSC_GROUP1_IDX) == TSC_GROUP_COMPLETED)
	      /*##-7- Store the acquisition value ####################################*/
	      uhTSCAcquisitionValue = HAL_TSC_GroupGetValue(&htsc, TSC_GROUP2_IDX);
	      if ((uhTSCAcquisitionValue > TSCx_MIN_THRESHOLD) && (uhTSCAcquisitionValue < TSCx_LOW_MAXTHRESHOLD))

Associate II

Note that there is a bug in HAL_TSC_GroupGetStatus so that it returns wrong status: