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fatfs_platform.c needs a section /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ and /* USER CODE END Includes */ so we can call our user defined functions in BSP_PlatformIsDetected(), otherwise when the code is regenerated the manually inserted includes are lost.

Alec Davis
Associate III

Editing C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.0.2\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\db\templates\fatfs_platform_c.ftl

#include "fatfs_platform.h"
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
/* USER CODE END Includes */
uint8_t	BSP_PlatformIsDetected(void) {

Above "USER CODE BEGIN Includes and END" section fixes it ... until new firmware package is available.

Senior II

Hi @Community member​ ,

could you share your .ioc file ?

Alec Davis
Associate III

Can't share .ioc as it's a production version, but prepared to share the customized BSP_PlatformIsDetected() function.

The issue is we have 2 generations of board, using 1 common code set, and 1 .ioc file and 1 bin file

The difference between the boards is the SD Card detect pin moved.

The 'MK2' SD card detect pin is defined as SD_DETECT in the .ioc file and the MK1_SD_DETECT defined in an include file.

uint8_t	BSP_PlatformIsDetected(void) {
    uint8_t status = SD_PRESENT;
    /* Check SD card detect pin */
        status = SD_NOT_PRESENT;
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */
    /* user code can be inserted here */
	if ( board.has_ade7953 == 0 ) {
	        status = SD_NOT_PRESENT;
    	} else {
	        status = SD_PRESENT;
		printf( "MK1_SD_DETECT: ");
	} else {
		printf( "MK2_SD_DETECT: ");
	if ( status == SD_PRESENT ) {
		printf( "Present\r\n");
	} else {
		printf( "Not present\r\n");
    /* USER CODE END 1 */
    return status;

Alec Davis 2021
Associate III

@Houssem CHAABANIHopefully my last reply is enough to explain why we need the USER CODE BEGIN/END includes.

Note: Nick change, My old email provider closed down, so having to us a new login.

I wish this forum allowed changing email address in "My Profile".