2023-02-24 5:55 AM
In order to control the position of the motor with x-cube-mcsdk, I set the Z phase (absolute) of the encoder.
However, I got a compilation error as shown in the attached image.
Please teach me how to fix the F/W.
The version of each tool is as follows.
x-cube-mcsdk ver.6.1.0
stm32cubemx ver.6.7.0
stm32cube_fw_f3 ver.1.11.3
IAR ewarm ver.9.30.1
Thank you.
2023-02-24 6:45 AM
So likely a missing include file for the low-level functions you're using.
Check stm32f3xx_hal_conf.h or other places files are selected for inclusion.
2023-03-04 6:52 PM
Thank you.
>Check stm32f3xx_hal_conf.h
-->I checked as shown below.
I have EXTI enabled, so I'm assuming this file is fine. is there a problem?
> or other places files are selected for inclusion.
-->Could you tell me which file is suspect?
Thank you.
2023-03-06 3:28 PM
Someone help me!