2024-06-05 3:37 AM
The STM32CubeMX has a Clock Configuration page that can be captured in the "Generate Reports"
I like to Print this page to configure clock timings and divide counters. The problem is that many of the values are very light, the ones that you can't change but are still important to read.
Before Printing, I want to be able to darken the stuff that is to light to read (my eye sight isn't the greatest).
I have tried to print on Tabloid size pages (11 x 17) to make them more legible but the original is a light color and a bit map, not vector fonts.
I have tried loading the image into paint programs to darken the fonts colors, but they use antialiasing that results in several light colors to make the image.
REQUEST for Update:
Can the Fonts be actual fonts in the PDF, or a Bold be used to the "daker fonts" so the dim/ghosted fonts can be dark but not bold or something so this great tool can be more useful?
2024-06-12 2:24 AM
Hi @DWise.1,
I will investigate on that matter and see what can be done to improve this document quality.
Thank you for this feedback,
Best Regards,