2016-06-08 07:48 AM
setting the ADC1_IN8 or ADC_IN15 as OPAMP x Output Differential or OPAMP x Output Single-ended in STM32CubeMx v 4.15 with NUCLEO-L476RG doesn't generate the correct GPIO setup. The OPAMP output pins are configured as GPIO_MODE_ANALOG under HAL_OPAMP_MspInit in stm32l4xx_hal_msp.c while they should be configured as GPIO_MODE_ANALOG_ADC_CONTROL to feed the ADC. There is also another error: setting the the ADC1_IN8 or ADC_IN15 as OPAMP x Output Differential generates the wrong regular channel configuration as ADC_SINGLE_ENDED. It should be ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED. Regards #stm32-cubemx-opamp-adc2016-06-09 01:45 AM
Hi dallagiovanna.luca,
Thnak you for the feedback. I report this internally to our CubeMx team. -Hannibal-2016-12-28 04:59 AM
In CubeMX v.4.18.0 this problem present.
The OPAMP output pins are configured as GPIO_MODE_ANALOG under HAL_OPAMP_MspInit in stm32l4xx_hal_msp.c while they should be configured as
GPIO_MODE_ANALOG_ADC_CONTROL to feed the ADC.2017-07-06 12:28 AM
the GPIO_MODE_ANALOG / GPIO_MODE_ANALOG_ADC_CONTROL Bug was reported in June, 2016, one Year ago.
Now, in CubeMX 4.21.0 with firmware V1.8.1 it still exists. Is there a chance that this will be fixed?
2018-01-18 04:55 AM
,Sorry for the late answer.
I confirm that the 2 points
you highlighted are taken into account by the development team.I can't give you any delivery date butI will keep you inform as soon as both corrections are integrated in a new CubeMX release.
BR. Jeanne