2023-02-07 2:39 AM
I start on STM32F107RC microcontroller.
I installed SMD32CubeIDE v1.11.2.
I created a new project with this µC, and I'm using FreeRtos.
Bellow some basics configurations:
I'm using as JTAG probe the PEMicro Multilink FX
I installed requiered plugins:
I created the launch configuration:
Then I start the program. The first break is done into the "main()" like indicated into the laungh configuration.
I can debug step by step (F5, F6...). I can set breakpoint to the main core function
If I place a breakpoint into the main function, the debug stop on this breakpoint and I can resume the debug...
BUT as soon as the osKernelStart() is called, If I click on "Suspend" to make a pause, all is ok, the soft stop on the "IDLE" task, I can resume (F8) debug step by step (F6) etc...
Now, I try to place a breakpoint into a function called from a created task (GpioTask in my case). I get error.
Sometime when I place the breakpoint, sometime, It break on the placed breakpoint, but I can't resume the code (F8) or debug step by step (F5, F6). I can't do anything.
I must stop the session and restart. :(
The second problem is if I add a "printf" code into the main() function (or any other code place), no data is printed to the console.
I see this error message:
How make work the printf to the console? (for debug purpose)
Thank for your help.