2020-11-01 2:16 PM
I'm trying to importo into the workspace the GPIO Example for L010RB.
I go on File -> Import ... -> and select "Import existing project into workspace"
In root folder insert:
And check the single project present into "Project:"
I check "copy projects into workspace" and then "Finish" ( see attached STM_import).
At this point, I see the project into the workspace, but the source file are not present (see attacched STM_Project).
What is the correct way to import an existing project?
2020-11-01 4:04 PM
It works for me when I open the SW4STM32 .project file. It converts to STM32CubeIDE format and builds just fine:
2020-11-01 9:45 PM
Thanks TDK, this work also for me.
The only flaw is that the files are linked and not copied into work space.
Have you some trick?
Thanks !
2020-11-02 12:33 AM
@ABatt.1 well known behavior.
Please just ommit to check "copy projects into workspace" option.
Eclipse is not able to manage links doing project copy.
Such is reason, why I guess, ST has introduced starting STM32CubeIDE 1.4.x an example import feature what is solving such known limitation.
ST's examples are heavily relying on links usage.
By the way unfortunatelly not sure you're going to enjoy such feature right now. L0 serie is still not supported by.
Example Selector:
+ The feature is functional only for the examples related to the STM32F4, STM32F7, STM32G0, STM32G4, STM32H7, STM32L5 and STM32WB Series
Let's hope more to come within coming releases
2020-11-02 6:10 AM
2020-11-02 6:33 AM
Having STM32CubeIDE installed, if double clicking on a SW4STM32 .project, STM32CubeIDE is under the hood importing related project as @ABatt.1 is doing thru common Eclipse menus / dialogs but taking care to ommit to check "copy projects into workspace" option.
So @TDK you have no issue because STM32CubeIDE is doing job for you !. By the way if you look a your project's linked material asking for properties you may see your linked file(s) are not local ones (as a "copy projects into workspace" option usage would do).
Expecting to get local material from STM32Cube examples ... STM32CubeIDE example import feaure is your best friend.
2020-11-07 7:59 AM
@Cartu38 OpenDev The issue is there: if I use Import on example ( regardless of what check in "Copy project into workspace") I foun the project in the project manager on the right, but no source file is present into the projec (copied nor linked).
I think that example selection was not designed for STM32CubeIDE...
I will find another way to use the example!
Thank you
2020-11-08 3:10 AM
Hopefuly all STM32Cube examples are STM32CubeIDE compliant.
Let's try File > Open Project From File System ... one click button to get sucess.