2022-10-25 10:19 AM
Hi. I configured comparator with neccessary settings using CubeIDE and LL library and got next generated piece of code:
COMP_InitStruct.InputPlus = LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1;
COMP_InitStruct.InputHysteresis = LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_HIGH;
COMP_InitStruct.OutputBlankingSource = LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_NONE;
LL_COMP_Init(COMP1, &COMP_InitStruct);
I also got generated code to use interrupt:
Then I used 3 configuration of connection INP(input plus):
1) INP do not connected to anything;
2) INP connect to GND;
3) INP connect to DAC output pin with maximum value (4095) (I think it correspond to Vref).
In config 1) I enable comparator and got constantly generated interrupt (one after another) (I clear flag in IRQ)
In config 2) I enable comparator and got once generated interrupt
In config 3) I enable comparator and got constantly generated interrupt again.
Maybe I don't understand how comparator works, but in my opinion it must generate interrupt once only when INP(+) > INP(-) (Vref in my case). And that's all. So
In config 1) I must not get interrupt
In config 2) I must not get interrupt
In config 3) ... I can or can't get interrupt? Anyway, I must not get constantly generated interrupt
What is the problem?
2022-10-25 1:04 PM
Show the ISR (interrupt service routine) code.
It's more logical to clear the flags after the configuration and before enabling the interrupt. Don't expect a sane design from the HAL/Cube team...
2022-10-25 11:29 PM
There is nothing interesting:
void COMP_IRQHandler(void)
I also check flag of LL_EXTI_LINE_21 and it is set.
I partially solved the problem with config 3. When testing with DAC I disable its output buffer, but when I enable it I got only one interrupt immediately after turning on the comparator. I also test it with different values of DAC. And that's seems to be OK. It generate interrupt after INP > INM. But I think I must not get interrupt only after enabling comparator. Changing the order of initialization did nothing. Also, interrupts keep coming when the input pin is not connected to anything (config 2).
I must have made a mistake somewhere, because now with config 3 it works even with the disabled output buffer (but again: I got interrupt just after enable comparator).