2021-08-31 1:36 AM
I use FreeRTOS on a STM32L432 - the FreeRTOS port that STM delivers.
When I call "taskENTER_CRITICAL" it should disable all interrupts on the CPU, but fetching the BASEPRI register value tells me that the BASEPRI is still 0 (= all interrupts enabled).
Is this a bug in the FreeRTOS portation?
2021-08-31 2:16 AM
It works for me on STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0 and a freshly created STM32 FreeRTOS project. Macro taskENTER_CRITICAL() is portENTER_CRITICAL() is vPortEnterCritical() calling portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS() which is vPortRaiseBASEPRI() moving configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY (0x80) to BASEPRI.
2021-09-01 1:01 AM
Yes, it does generate that code for me as well (my FreeRTOS SYSCALL priority is 3, not 8, but thats a detail). Only, that it does not actually SET that value when called.
prim1 = __get_PRIMASK();
prim2 = __get_PRIMASK();
prim3 = __get_PRIMASK();
result: prim1 = prim2 = prim3 = 0
whereas (using the CMSIS functions):
prim1 = __get_PRIMASK();
prim2 = __get_PRIMASK();
prim3 = __get_PRIMASK();
prim1 = prim3 = 0
prim2 = 1
2021-09-01 1:21 AM
Well, but PRIMASK (Armv6-M) is not BASEPRI (Armv7-M), see e.g. https://community.arm.com/developer/ip-products/system/b/embedded-blog/posts/cutting-through-the-confusion-with-arm-cortex-m-interrupt-priorities
FreeRTOS intentionally leaves the interrupt with highest priorities on if possible, see https://www.freertos.org/taskENTER_CRITICAL_taskEXIT_CRITICAL.html
2021-09-01 1:36 AM
Bloody hell, I didn't know that. Let me dive into things for a moment, I'll be right back with an update
2021-09-01 3:15 AM
prim1 = __get_BASEPRI();
prim2 = __get_BASEPRI();
prim3 = __get_BASEPRI();
Yes, this shows what I expect:
prim1 = 0
prim2 = 3
prim3 = 0
Thanks for clarification.
2021-09-01 11:42 AM
> prim2 = 3
Really? Lower 4 BASEPRI bits are not writable, so maybe the value is 0x30? (3 << configPRIO_BITS)
2021-09-01 12:07 PM
Yes, 0x30.
My bad, was writing in a hurry