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STM32H743: Which GPIO pins can be used as I2C (SDA & SCL) ?

Associate III

When configuring I2C in STM32CubeIDE, the SDA & SCL pins are automatically assigned.

Can I assign pins PA10 and PA9 on STM32H743 as I2C (SDA & SCL) ?

What things i should keep in mind when using pins other than the one auto assigned by STM32CubeIDE?

Chief II

auto assigned by STM32CubeIDE are the pins, that are connected to the module you choose.

so you can not use the I2C module on xx pins.

or you write your own software I2C lib, then can use this all pins (no hardware used).

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Pull the devices Data Sheet and go through the Alternate Function pin tables..​

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