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STM32G070: UART speed of 115200 is not possible with PC when running SYSCLK clock at 64MHZ - however is when run at 59.0MHZ

Alec Davis
Associate III

8MHZ HSE crystal. HSE selected and PLLCLK selected.

64MHZ / 115200 / 16 = 34.7222

Assuming the CPU picked 34 as the divisor then the baud rate is 117647.1 2% too high

But setting to 59MHz I was able to successfully communicated at 921,600

59MHZ / 921600 / 16 = 4.0012 (assuming divisor = 4 then 99.9702% accurate)

59MHZ / 115200 / 16 = 32.009 (assuming divisor = 32 then 99.9702% accurate)

What I'm asking for is in the IDE to show the UART Baud rate error, like the I2S device does as below.



Have thought it would have picked 555, at +0.1%

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Even though the oversampling is 16x (or 8x), your divisor (USARTDIV/BRR) doesn't need to be a multiple of this. There should by no problem running UART at (about) 115200 with a 64MHz system clock.

Agree with the suggestion to show nominal error.

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from RM0454 Rev 3 Page771

The oversampling method can be selected by programming the OVER8 bit in the USART_CR1 register either to 16 or 8 times the baud rate clock (see Figure 267 and Figure 268).  

Depending on your application:

• select oversampling by 8 (OVER8 = 1) to achieve higher speed (up to usart_ker_ck_pres/8). In this case the maximum receiver tolerance to clock deviation is reduced (refer to Section 26.5.8: Tolerance of the USART receiver to clock deviation on page 775)

• select oversampling by 16 (OVER8 = 0) to increase the tolerance of the receiver to clock deviations. In this case, the maximum speed is limited to maximum usart_ker_ck_pres/16 (where usart_ker_ck_pres is the USART input clock divided by a prescaler). 

0693W000003BaJ3QAK.png --end of quoting--

Thus @64MHz using 16x oversampling the maximum baud rate is 4MHz.

So 'ideally' if 16x oversampling, SYSCLK should be a 16x multiple of the baud rate.

or 'ideally' if 8x oversampling, SYSCLK should be a 8x multiple of the baud rate.

regarding divisor if I understand you correctly please see response to @Community member​ 

Hope ST see suggestion for nomimal error.

Humor me and provide the actual value in USART->BRR with a 64 MHz peripheral bus clock, and 115200 baud rate.

You're not using a 4Mbaud setting, and yes as the rate goes up the granularity of the setting gets rougher.

You're postulating a 115200 baud rate with a 2% error, I think the mechanics, as documented, yield 0.1%, you're interpretation of OVER16 aside.

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Even better - mathematically rounded divisor 556 yields -0,08 %.