2020-02-19 11:32 PM
I have seen that a large part of the code used in STM32 uC examples comes from projects made with an Atollic compiler, and this can be one of the main problems for those who are trying to use STM32CubeIDE, since not all configuration windows are the same, in addition a manufacturer of hardware that provides an IDE without dedicated examples ends up hindering development, and as a result, the abandonment of products, in search of other manufacturers that provide better support to obtain the final product in less time.
2020-02-20 1:26 PM
The criticism encourages excellence because the criticism will stop when the products improve. Refraining from criticism is the enemy: It supports sloth and laurel resting.
2020-02-20 1:29 PM
Microchip has a lot of fans, I should know better to throw rocks. They get gold stars for rarely EOLing their products. But the ICD programmer/debuggers stink as does MPLAB-X. I won't go into the annoying Harvard architecture choice since that's even more controversial but there is that hobbling nicely-written code. I have to jump through too many hoops to program for Microchip.
2020-02-21 1:48 AM
Regarding the examples for STM32CubeIDE, the situation may not be ideal, but is far from your statement in the title of this thread "STM32CubeIDE has no usage examples"
Every MCU packages for each serie include examples for three IDEs, including IAR, KEIL and a third one that is a GCC based IDE, used to be SW4STM32 (plus TrueSTUDIO at some time) but changing to STM32CubeIDE in new releases of those packages.
Moreover, STM32CubeIDE include an importer for SW4STM32 and TrueSTUDIO projects that can be used to import the examples provided in the MCU packages
that do not yet include project based on STM32CubeIDE.
To be fully transparent, the import of all those examples in STM32CubeIDE has been tested and for most of the series, the example import is functional
at 100% (compile and run), only for few series, some examples remained to be tuned, but every package has more than 98% of out-of-the-box examples compiling and running on STM32CubeIDE, and overall of the portfolio, its more than 99.6% of the examples that are working fine.
If you still face issue with a particular example not working with STM32CubeIDE, don't hesitate to be provide detail on it.
Thanks for your interest in our products and tools.
2020-02-21 7:21 AM
Please consider including additional examples demonstrating the excellent LL libraries. There were only a small handful of examples in the stm32cubeh7 downloaded last week. I suspect most real products are using direct register access or LL in that the HAL has HAL_LOCK race conditions as well as other weaknesses that render HAL's use painful for all but trivial or academic use cases.
2020-02-21 7:50 AM
@Herve PIERROT ,
I believe rtek1k's complaint is really about the examples not being CubeMX-based so they can't be clicked further.
2020-02-21 8:30 AM
could be... but still, new series are coming with the examples including this .ioc file for the graphical configuration setting and initialization code generation.
For the legacy ones, the examples already exist... the import is providing some solution, maybe not the best one.
2020-02-21 9:02 AM
I found some examples of using the STM32CubeIDE, perhaps the greatest difficulty is finding the example, since this example is already available on the internet.
See this example, regarding the verification of ROM / Flash data, I found this reference:
Application Note 277
ROM Self-Test in MDK-ARM
After searching a lot on Google, I found for STM32CubeIDE:
Hands-on: CRC Checksum Generation
I don't know if I'm looking in the wrong place, but I'm used to IDEs like those from MikroElektronika, Arduino etc, where examples of hardware usage are very accessible.
2020-03-05 1:42 PM
2020-03-05 2:26 PM
Well... I really would like the CubeIDE with all the included tools like MX or TGFX ... But "broken / immature" describes very well the actual situation. Two years ago i came from Arduino IDE with nearly no Idea, what it means to develop stm32 applications with all these bugs and errors in the provided libraries. As a beginner i had to annoy myself with not correctly aligned cache memories, not working examples, unnecessarily nearly unreadable code (at least for beginners), and last, but not least, nearly every example came with another break of ST´s policies... Parts of the code were never, where they are expected, sometimes init functions where overridden three times...
I for myself decided to use Visual Studio with VisualGDB as plugin for cross platform development. Of course this didn´t change the code-problems of ST, but it lead me to change to other manufacturers.
These days i came back to give it another try... CubeIDE, TouchGFX, CubeMX ... I have to say "Yes, it has grown, , but it´s still a long way to go..." TouchGFX is the the absolute exception: Of course every new version brings other bugs. But here i see a way better support, much more tutorials and they even don´t forget the beginners. When it comes to CubeIDE and/or MX, i have the impression, they try to do their best but sometimes they think, everybody is an "expert"....
(Sorry for my english, in germany i don´t have to use it that often ;) )
2020-03-05 2:42 PM
Those examples are located in your STM32CUBE repository.
Typcal location for the Stm32F746:
There are a lot of examples for other discovery boards as well.
I agree with you though....it is not made very clear in the documentation.