User Activity

When going to open my project's IOC file, I am presented with the following options:If I select "Continue", the CubeMX perspective is blank. If I select "Migrate", the CubeMX perspective is viewable.Isn't the older version supported? Any idea what th...
It is very frustrating not having information when a program crashes and the stack trace only provides the following: "No source available for "abort() at" Viewing disassembly does not provide it either...Does anyone know how to determine what the so...
I asked this question in the following thread: received no responses, so I decided to create it's own th...
Typically text Single Use Ids are removed when the element is removed. I have also found that they are removed when I change the text area to use a Resource ID.However, I have a few that refuse to disappear.I am attempting to go to a text resource wi...