Just to complete @Amel NASRI 's answer, as sometime the most difficult is to find the function in the tool, below the picture to find the mention menu in STM32CubeMX.
Hi @Luiz Pereira ,Thanks a lot for the confirmation that it fix your problem. We will perform some regression test in our side and see if this can be added by default when launching the tool so this issue can disappear forever... --------------------...
Hi @Oskar_H,Thanks for your interest on our STM32 solution and sorry if sometimes it may bring some frustration.First of all, I would like to bring some explanation on your first question "User Authentication : why ??"In fact, as you can see it in th...
Thanks @Paradox0v0 for your feedback and workaround.Indeed, we introduce this font setting in STM32ubeMX to workaround some issues with JavaVM not able at that time to adapt font automatically according to Window OS configuration.Now, I understand th...
Hi @Piranha,JxBrowser was present before the introduction of the "authentication" and used for other use-cases since several STM32CubeMX releases.For the package size increase, it's more due to new features introduced with the v6.9.0 such as the Memo...