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STM32CubeIDE: fatal error: core_cm4.h: No such file or directory

Associate II

Hi there,

I am having trouble with CubeIDE: When building my project i get the following error:

"fatal error: core_cm4.h: No such file or directory"

I am using:

  • MCSDK 5.Y.1
  • STM32CubeMX
  • STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1
  • STM32F302R8 NucleoBoard
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 motor driver
  • SPI-Sensor
  • two external buttons

What I did to get to this point:

  • Generated the project via MotorControl Workbench and CubeMX --> project is for a Motor Control application
  • Modified the project with CubeMX: added few GPIO Inputs and Outputs, added a Timer (TIM16) and SPI2
  • Added the Project to the CubeIDE workspace
  • added some own Code
  • hit build
  • got the error: "fatal error: core_cm4.h: No such file or directory"
  • tried to add the include path manually --> did not work

Hope someone can help me on this

Greetings MM1


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @MM1​ ,

It seems the include paths are not properly set up.

Please make sure to configure the include paths and check the path of the core_cm4.h header file. Maybe that folder was not in the include folder list.

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View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @MM1​ ,

It seems the include paths are not properly set up.

Please make sure to configure the include paths and check the path of the core_cm4.h header file. Maybe that folder was not in the include folder list.

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Associate II

Hi Imen,

Thanks for the reply. I double checked the include paths and the path to the core_cm4.h was indeed missing.

It is just sad that you have to do it manually sometimes when using the Toolchain MotorControl Workbench/CubeMX (happened to me before)

greeting MM1

Associate II

hi, I know it has been a year ago, but may I know how to include the path? i mean how to find the path library and put it in the path?