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STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 released

ST Employee

STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch.

  • What is new in 1.14.0?
    • Added the support for new microcontrollers in the STM32WB series
    • Added the support for two new boards related to the STM32WB series: NUCLEO-WBA55CG and STM32WBA55G-DK1
    • Added the support for a new board related to the STM32U5 series: STEVAL-MKBOXPRO
    • Added the support for STM32CubeMP13: bare-metal firmware for the STM32MP13xx
    • Updated to Eclipse® 2023-09
    • GCC 12 is available on the Eclipse® p2 update site
  • Main fixed issues:

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Senior II

@Semer CHERNI  maybe you want to complete the fixed issues and known issues/limitations section by adding the link to the wiki?

When this account seems to be inactive, try @tdecker2 - ST can't change mail addresses, so I had to create a new account.

Hello @t.decker 

Thanks for mentioning it :).

I made the updates.


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@Semer CHERNI The hard-coded keyboard shortcut to login (alt+L) is still there on 1.14.0. This gives the problem on Mac, that you are not able to type @ (on Apple QWERTZ-keyboard). Please make this configurable!


Associate III

Hi, It would be great to add new button in Help menu "Report STM32CubeIDE bugs"... It is not clear where the customer can get a suuport


I have been using 1.7.0 from my F411 project.

Recently I downloaded and installed 1.14.0, only to find it cannot compile my 1.7.0 project.

Is it normal? How to make it work or shall I just stick with 1.7.0 IDE?

@HDaji.1 Yes this is normal. Change is a curse, as a Chinese proverb says, and it is inevitable.

This is a technical forum, if something does not work after upgrade, please share relevant details.


@Pavel A. 

Thx for the advice.

After I checked carefully, the errors are related to some shared variables, which I put in main.h.

Compiling is OK; just ld complains multiple definitions in IDE 14; strangely IDE 7 does not.

@HDaji.1 thank you for the clarification. 

ld complains multiple definitions in IDE 14; strangely IDE 7 does not

This is because of new GNU compiler installed with IDE v. 1.14. TL;DR they changed the rules about multiple definitions that were ok before. To resolve, either install the older toolchain, same as you've used with v 1.7 (in the Toolchain manager) or change your code per the new rules.

The warning can be also disabled by some compiler option - but IMHO this is less desirable. Either use the old proven toolchain and avoid other compatibility issues, or deliberately update the toolchain and fix the code per the new rules.

Associate III

After updating the ST link firmware, it refuses to detect the target and bricked two original debuggers. Don't update the firmware. Before the firmware update st-link worked