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STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 - myST-Login doesn't work with intermediate (zScaler) certificates

Associate II

Hey All,

we are not able to use the latest STM32CubeIDE 1.13.x IDE as the myST login doesn't appear (just the blue animated loading animation).

In our other Eclipse-based applications we just imported our certificates using the keytool into the Java certificate store. For eclipse this seems to work as downloading stuff from the marketplace works just fine.

But this one seems to be ignored by the properitary login mechanism.

Any ideas how to solve this issue or debugging it further?

Thank you!


Accepted Solutions
Christian N
ST Employee

Hello Idefix2000,

Thank you for contacting STMicroelectronics. Your inquiry is being escalated for specialized support.

Kind Regards,


ST Support

View solution in original post

Christian N
ST Employee

Hello Idefix2000,

Thank you for contacting STMicroelectronics. Your inquiry is being escalated for specialized support.

Kind Regards,


ST Support

Associate II

I'm having the same problem with Ubuntu 22.04. After a time with this windows authentication fail and a message to check my  conection apper, but my internet is ok. I 'm using internet wifi in my home, no proxys or not vpn's.

What I can do?! 

Captura de tela de 2024-05-14 18-02-19.png

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Window-> Preferences->STM32Cube->Firmware updater

 Connection mode : check Offline mode

Check and update... check Manual check.

Disable anything else in the preferences that looks like automatic calling home.


Associate II

Nothing yet, probably something wrong with my system.

Captura de tela de 2024-05-15 10-03-11.pngCaptura de tela de 2024-05-15 10-01-49.pngCaptura de tela de 2024-05-15 10-01-36.png

I have this problem too. I downloaded the same versions. I am using win 11 home. There was no problem on my computer with Win 10. I am following here to solve this problem.

Associate II

What I did to avoid having to think too much about this problem was to clone the framework of the microcontroller I'm using, in my case the STM32F103C6TA, directly from GitHub and place it in this location in my Linux Ubuntu 22.04 system: /home/user/STM32Cube/Repository. With this, everything works fine. But the problem with logging into myST account remains the same.apagar depois.png

ST Employee

Dear all,

Seems the issue has been solved please check from your side.

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Associate II

Solved problem.