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Run/Debug don't work

Associate III


I've STM32CubeIDE v1.14.1 on a Windows10 PC. I've NUCLEO-G0B1RE board and I've created my workspace with a standard project starting from the NUCELO ioc configuration. I can build the project and upload the .elf file on the uC with STM32CubeProgrammer software, no problem, it works.

When I try to Run or Debug the project from the STM32CubeIDE, nothing happens; also if I try to add some lauch configuration from Properties->Run/Debug Settings menu, nothing happens......

Another strange thing is that in the Build Analyzer tab I have no info about memory usage.... 


Is there a way to solve?




Ok, opening the debug window, I obtain a strange error:


And I cannot see my ST-LINK connected after clicking to scan button:


This is very strange because I can correctly program the device with STM32CubeProgrammer..... This could be the problem?



- deselect stlink S/N !

- set reset -> software (i use most time ; "under reset" only needed, if cpu in special conditions)

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If I uncheck it, the box is empty:


And I have:





Hmmm... no st-link is --- bad.   IDE see no st-link , unplug , plug to other port , use no HUB (!) , try other good usb cable. It MUST work here…

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This is very strange because I can program through STM32CubeProgrammer software....



Try : in IDE  (menu) Help -> ST-Link upgrade  --- does it find the st-link here ?

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No, it doesn't. I've tried with a fresh install of STM32CubeIDE but with no luck...

Associate III

Hi @AScha.3  @Pavel A. @Imen.D ,

I've tried a fresh install on a MAC device and everything is working correctly, so I've uninstalled all ST software (STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeProgrammer, STM32CubeMX and STlinkserver) and re-installed ONLY STM32CubeIDE v1.14.1.

For a magic, now everthing is working fine: I see the Nucleo ST-LINK programmer and I can run and debug; I can see also RAM and FLASH usage..... So the problem is solved with a fresh install......

@BRonc.1 Sorry for being not clear, I meant just the opposite, that .,map and .list *should* be generated. And you say that they are. Looks like a bug or problem in setup of CubeIDE.