User Activity

Hi,I would like to enable the USB HID Device function to the target uC of the NUCLEO board. So I've created a new project, selected the board and added the 2 USB pin configuration:I've also enabled the middleware functions:the clock config seems to b...
Hi,I've STM32CubeIDE v1.14.1 on a Windows10 PC. I've NUCLEO-G0B1RE board and I've created my workspace with a standard project starting from the NUCELO ioc configuration. I can build the project and upload the .elf file on the uC with STM32CubeProgra...
I use a ST25DV on my board, which communicates through I2C to a uC and through NFC with a smartphone, app developped with Flutter for Android and iOS. Everything works correctly, but sometimes, when I'm writing from Smartphone to ST25DV EEPROM and th...
Hi,I would like to develop a simple application to read/write internal EEPROM of a ST25DV device. Is there a porting of the ST25dv sdk to Flutter?
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