2021-04-12 4:47 AM
I need to start from DISCOL496_RD_Sequans (or BG96) project and to wstich to LWIP stack's socket by including the LWIP middleware.
As setting IDE Preprocessor USE_SOCKETS_TYPE=USE_SOCKETS_LWIP is not sufficient to include LWIP, as Eclipse generated makefile do not build LWIP sources at all.
Which are the steps needed to include it?
There are no out-of-the box project for STM32CubeIDE to use LWIP in the X-CUBE-CELLULAR v.5.2.0. Any reasons?
2021-04-21 12:51 AM
To have LwIP up and running with CubeIDE you have to set USE_SOCKETS_TYPE=USE_SOCKETS_LWIP as you did but you also must untick the option "Exclude resource from build". To do so, select "Properties" on LwIP middleware, select C/C++ Build and unselect the option. So the LwIP middleware will be build and included into your STM32 FW.
2021-04-23 1:34 AM
Thanks, this help to solve the issue.
2021-04-26 9:15 AM
Please mark as answered ... will help community to dig into valuable post more efficiently.
2021-04-26 9:39 AM
Please tell me how to mark as answered... sorry, I cannot find it
2021-05-03 3:17 AM
Just adding Solved in the headline