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How to setup a STM32CubeIDE project, using X-Cube-Cellular v5.2.0, to build and including the LWIP middleware variant? (SOLVED)

Associate II

I need to start from DISCOL496_RD_Sequans (or BG96) project and to wstich to LWIP stack's socket by including the LWIP middleware.

As setting IDE Preprocessor USE_SOCKETS_TYPE=USE_SOCKETS_LWIP is not sufficient to include LWIP, as Eclipse generated makefile do not build LWIP sources at all.

Which are the steps needed to include it?

There are no out-of-the box project for STM32CubeIDE to use LWIP in the X-CUBE-CELLULAR v.5.2.0. Any reasons?


ST Employee

To have LwIP up and running with CubeIDE you have to set USE_SOCKETS_TYPE=USE_SOCKETS_LWIP as you did but you also must untick the option "Exclude resource from build". To do so, select "Properties" on LwIP middleware, select C/C++ Build and unselect the option. So the LwIP middleware will be build and included into your STM32 FW.

Associate II

Thanks, this help to solve the issue.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Please mark as answered ... will help community to dig into valuable post more efficiently.

Associate II

Please tell me how to mark as answered... sorry, I cannot find it

Just adding Solved in the headline