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Instead, the project under IDE_Mqtt folder of X-CUBE-CELLULAR 5.2.x work fine, because it uses IAR Compiler and Embedded Workbench IDE (downloaded under 30day evaluation). The sample code provided, I was able to test it using Stackhero Node-RED Dashb...
I'm thinking to design a Sensor-Cell to Mqtt cloud demo. But a few days ago I discovered ST FP-ATR-LTE1 package that also is using BG96 modem on the same Disco L496 board. This is the same board supported by X-CUBE-CELLULAR, and it provides an Asset ...
I need to start from DISCOL496_RD_Sequans (or BG96) project and to wstich to LWIP stack's socket by including the LWIP middleware.As setting IDE Preprocessor USE_SOCKETS_TYPE=USE_SOCKETS_LWIP is not sufficient to include LWIP, as Eclipse generated ma...
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