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How do I import an example project from stm32cube_fw_l4 into the STM32Cube IDE?

Associate II

I tried: import/general/existing projects from workspace, then

choose nucleo-l452re/examples/gpio/pgio_iotoggle,

I get the whole file structure, get my main.c, see the file, however, the "hammer" is greyed out. Cannot be built.

What is wrong with these examples?

(b.t.w. building my own littlle projects with cube-mx works like a charm)0693W000000UXiwQAG.png


Accepted Solutions
Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

See my comment to post

Just in case let's share back. My post is WB serie related but same applies to all. Your main issue is most probably not relying on proper feature and/or not promoting correct path (you have to promote up to IDE's project folder path not example root folder).

If only SW4STM32 examples available for some device(s) STM32CubeIDE is fully supporting SW4STM32 projects.

Please enjoy your WB BLE example ... only requires 3 steps ...


View solution in original post

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

See my comment to post

Just in case let's share back. My post is WB serie related but same applies to all. Your main issue is most probably not relying on proper feature and/or not promoting correct path (you have to promote up to IDE's project folder path not example root folder).

If only SW4STM32 examples available for some device(s) STM32CubeIDE is fully supporting SW4STM32 projects.

Please enjoy your WB BLE example ... only requires 3 steps ...


Associate II

works a treat!

Thanks a lot for helping me.

Associate II

sometimes it works, sometimes not: I do:

>import ac6 system workbench for stm32 project

then I get this:

> import as eclipse project

(cannot choose anything)

I click ok and then nothing gets converted.

Then I, deleted the files, try again,  

then it complains:

> Folder already imported

Even though I DELETED the damn thing. (and it is also not on the list).

What a frustrating experience when not even the "delivered examples" work.

I am using: l152 discovery board,  stm32cubeide version 1.3.0, Linux ubuntu 18.04.4 lts.

Hello Cartu38,
How do I import when there is no SW4STM32 folder in the project folder?
Please help.Screenshot 2024-06-22 112556.png

As mentioned here - IAR projects you can only import manually.


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